How to enforce against copyright infringing content on
Fshare is Vietnam's leading online data hosting and sharing service. It boasts the best capacity and storage system, housed in FPT Telecom's internationally standardized data centers. caters specifically to the needs of the Vietnamese market, offering fast data transfer speeds that enable customers to securely store all their data. The platform features a diverse and flexible payment system, seamlessly integrated with popular e-wallets. With a commitment to adopting new technologies, Fshare ensures a user-friendly and practical experience, fostering strong customer loyalty.
Does FSHARE.VN is legit or pirate website?
According to our records its legit since it's remove all copyright and/or counterfeit content we report.
Based on VNNIC INTERNET RESOURCE WHOIS INFORMATION domain was registered 2011-02-23.
Based on Google Transparency first copyright complaints started since May 21, 2012. Till August 5, 2024 various copyright owners and reporting organizations reported 169,797 URLs over 42,831 individual requests.
How to remove copyright infringing content on FSHARE.VN?
Open and Submit alleged copyright infringing URL
See approx. removal time is 51 hours and click to Continue
What is approx. removal time? This is removal time based on previous our users deletion requests. Once content is deleted you will receive email and will make sure its got taken down.
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